Recent travelers found the Catedral de Barcelona to be stunning both inside and out, commenting on the elaborate altarpieces, stained-glass windows and impressive statues. Many recommended a ...
Many cruise lines offer offshore excursions, some better than others, but mapping your own route is part of the fun. Consider ...
Marguerite Duras escriu. Aquesta mestra, aquesta amiga d’unes nits dels setanta a Barcelona escriu. Aquesta dona que ha ...
Barcelona, Spain Before 9 a.m., locals still outnumber ... Snag a sweet after at Limbers Del Viejo San Juan, located a block west of Catedral Basílica de San Juan Bautista. A limber is an ice ...
If you're looking for a European getaway that's packed with art, culture, and history, this ancient Spanish city should ...
Les sèries de TV3 són un valor diferencial d'aquest mitjà de comunicació. Des que va començar les seves emissions, fa ...
Un lustre és una unitat de mesura en el temps -d’origen romà- coincident amb la celebració d’un cens de població cada cinc ...
This neo-Gothic cathedral may catch your eye with its enormous spires and you'll hear it referred to by many (similar) names, including Catedral da Sé, Catedral Metropolitana and Catedral da Sé ...