The tragic plane crash Wednesday night claimed the lives of 64 passengers on an American Airlines flight and three people on a Blackhawk helicopter.
Hilliard City Council approved spending $232,000 to add four pickleball courts to Roger A. Reynolds Municipal Park.
The measure quickly passed the new Republican-controlled Congress with some Democratic support even though immigrants rights ...
Civil rights groups and legal scholars said the new measure would violate constitutional free speech rights and would likely ...
Construction crews at Kings Island are making progress on the park's latest attraction, RiverRacers, a new water coaster set ...
A piece of Ocean City history is coming down as demolition is underway at the Beach Plaza Hotel, a landmark that has stood ...
Mayor Sharetta Smith is preparing for her annual State of the City address and is inviting the public to attend.
California cities made the top and bottom of the list for property crime according to a new study that looked at 425 small ...
Riviera Beach closed its Municipal Beach Wednesday after the state Department of Health found bacteria indicating fecal pollution in the water.
From his childhood and college days to his last visit before it was torn down, Rick Casazza remembers his time at Reno’s ...
Initial plans showed an ice rink and amphitheater, sweeping canopy and plantings. Yet City Plaza in downtown Reno remains ...
The study found that Ohio's GDP production growth is lagging behind the national average of 2.1% and has not increased as ...