The animated film 'The Glassworker,' directed by Usman Riaz, is contending for an Oscar, putting Pakistan's animation talent on the global stage.
It’s not every day an animated movie emerges from Pakistan — and if it’s feature length, 2D hand-drawn animation, that’s virtually unheard of coming from this region of South Asia.
We have some suggestions if you’re looking for a movie to watch on streaming this weekend. Our list includes a top pick that’s a current awards contender available for home viewing this week; two ...
The films that made the shortlist in the Oscars’ documentary short category are all powerful and thought-provoking.
Making movies is a risky business. Movies which cost less than $40 million to make, are fully funded up-front, get global exposure and win Oscars sound like the stuff of fantasy.
Each year, the festival hosts two panels with a number of directors whose films have been shortlisted for the Academy Awards' Best International Feature ... no-dialogue animated film is a shy ...
Perry, a 30-year-old donkey, was the motion model for “Donkey” in the 2001 “Shrek” film. He lived at a Palo Alto pasture for ...
From 1999 to 2022, Bafta presented an award for feature film at its annual Children’s Awards. In 2023, the academy announced ...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has released its list of 323 feature films eligible for the 96th Academy ...