The precious metal closed at Rs 79,720 per 10 grams on Thursday. Silver slipped Rs 230 to Rs 90,400 per kg on Friday. The white metal settled at Rs 90,630 per kg in the previous trading session.
New York (CNN) — US stocks dropped Monday, with the Dow falling by almost 700 points as markets close out a record year. The S&P 500 fell by 1.6%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq saw the biggest ...
On December 28 at around 2 a.m. KST, Rosé and Bruno Mars’ music video for their collab single “APT.” surpassed 700 million views on YouTube. The song was originally released on October 18 ...
Spot silver followed gold and copper higher as China’s bond buying program is supportive for the metal in near-term. It rose to $29.87. However, it lost the upward momentum on the US yields gained ...
At $2,649.10, U.S. gold futures fell 0.2%. Palladium dropped 0.3% to $922.58, spot silver dropped 0.2% to $29.75 an ounce, while platinum increased 0.1% to $936.85. "On the domestic front ...
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) – Tommy Lazzaro, a Monument native and former Pine Creek High School quarterback, is dead after a hunting accident in Florida, Central Michigan University (CMU ...
LA PINE, (KTVZ) -- It's Christmas Eve, and many businesses are closed for the holiday weekend. However, a nonprofit organization opened its doors to host a special Christmas luncheon. The ...
WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) - Nearly 700 customers were without power near Murrayville as of 4 p.m. The outage was caused by a vehicle damaging our equipment, according to the Duke Energy Progress map.
PINE GROVE — Pine Grove won seven of their 13 head-to-head matchups with Mahanoy Area. Mahanoy Area’s Lenny Zack (172 lbs.) defeated Carson Lengle on a fall in 2:48 before Pine Grove’s ...
Silver, which has emerged as one of the key investments for traditional investors, stood at Rs 91,400 per kg, slightly down from Rs 91,500 on Sunday. Silver has fallen by over Rs 1,000 in the last 10 ...
Temperatures in Michigan are expected to warm this week, but it's a sure bet Michiganders in the Gaylord area won't soon forget Sunday morning's record low of minus 21 degrees any time soon.