Appropriately named, the "baby boom" occurred after World War II and is marked by a period of increased births larger and longer than generations before it. According to the United States Census ...
Tuesday morning at Mojave Air & Space Port in California, almost 80 years after U.S. Air Force ace Chuck Yeager first ...
BEN WATTENBERG: In the years immediately following the war, the baby boom posed a problem: Where would all those growing families live? For 15 years, thanks to the Depression and World War II ...
The Baby Boomer name, of course, comes from the boom in births in the U.S. following World War II. (To be technical, researchers recognized by the Census Bureau place Harris’s October 20 birth a ...
After the war, the birth rate increased dramatically. Although many people assume that the baby boom happened because peace and prosperity returned, historian Elained Tyler May points out in ...
whose name can be attributed to the spike in births — or “baby boom” — in the U.S. and Europe following World War II. As of 2019, the number of baby boomers in the U.S. was about 71.6 ...
Instead of retiring to your rocking chair like the generations before us, get involved with civic organizations, nonprofit groups, local churches and schools or volunteer organizations.
Baby boomers and millennials are in a housing war. It's boomers who are winning, according to a Zillow report released this week. It found that so many boomers are active in the housing market ...