‘언더커버 하이스쿨’이 OTT 드라마와 출연자 화제성에서 1위를 수성했다. 4일 K콘텐츠 경쟁력 전문 기관인 굿데이터코퍼레이션 공식 플랫폼인 펀덱스(FUNdex)에 따르면 MBC 금토드라마 ‘언더커버 하이스쿨’(극본 임영빈, ...
윤석열 대통령의 탄핵심판 선고 당일에 경찰이 가용 인원을 총동원해서 헌법재판소 주변 경비를 강화한다. 집회·시위 참가자들이 과격한 행동에 나설 경우에는 현장 지휘관 판단에 따라 삼단 ...
As the need for self-security emerged in Europe, Hanwha Aerospace, the representative of K-bangsan, rose to the 10th place in ...
The "preemptive restructuring" framework was put to the test as the Seoul Rehabilitation Court's 4th Division (Chief Justice ...
The group Eunice was spotlighted by Billboard in the United States.Eunice was named as the "K-pop Rookie of the Month" in ...
While Daemyung Sono Group effectively acquired T'way Air, a low-cost carrier (LCC) in Korea, it has been confirmed that it ...
South Korean companies with production bases in these regions are on alert as the U.S. announced on the 4th (local time) that ...
"Treasure Island" broke its own highest ratings record for the fourth consecutive time. It's all in itself.SBS's ...
Seoul Guarantee Insurance, a trillion-dollar investor in the IPO market, received good results in the demand forecast and ...
The global semiconductor industry was on high alert as TSMC, the No. 1 semiconductor manufacturer (foundry) announced that it ...
The Seoul Central District Court's Criminal Department 30 (Judge Kang Doo-rye) acquitted two men accused of rape under the ...
As TSMC, the world's No. 1 foundry company, makes large-scale additional investments in the U.S., Samsung Electronics is also ...