A supermassive black hole that doesn't appear to be where we would expect seems to be travelling at more than a thousand ...
A newly discovered ultra-massive black hole (UMBH), weighing an astonishing 36 billion times the mass of the Sun, is ...
Black hole singularities should not exist, according to theories of quantum mechanics. New tweaks to Einstein's equations of ...
The disc of plasma surrounding the black hole at the heart of the Milky Way is constantly emitting flares both large and small.
Scientists are working to identify an oddly pulsating, supermassive black hole ( SMBH) that pulled a really weird stunt. More ...
The "Cosmic Horseshoe" is an Einstein ring, a system made up of a foreground galaxy whose mass is so great, it warps the ...
A team of astronomers has found the first binary star system, D9, near the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A*. Previously ...
Unpredictable bursts of light are pulsing from the debris surrounding Sagittarius A*, offering new insights into the ...
Australia’s annual gambling losses amount to a huge $31.5bn which is more than what the government spends on aged care, a new ...
The supermassive black hole at the centre of our Galaxy is in continuous turmoil, observations made using the James Webb ...
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Any matter that gets close to a black hole will get completely swallowed by the black hole. Even light doesn't make its way out," explained Professor Natarajan. Explaining how "dangerous" black ...