We know today that Wnt and a handful of other signalling systems (Notch, Hedgehog, TGFβ (transforming growth factor-β)–BMP (bone morphogenetic protein) and receptor tyrosine kinases ...
Wnt binds to the Fz receptor and LRP5/6 co-receptor. This activates Dvl to cause the dissociation of Axin from the destruction complex, causing β-catenin to be stabilized and enter the nucleus.
Protein-binding experiments revealed that Cachd1 binds to two receptors that allow cells to communicate through the Wnt ...
Finally, pathways such as Wnt signaling are very complex and involve a number of different ligands, receptors and endogenous antagonists and the activation of distinct intracellular signaling ...
The cancer cells (magenta) lack the noncanonical Wnt receptor, Ror2. The protein fibronectin (orange) is up-regulated and assembled by Ror2-deficient tumor cells, triggering the invasion, ...
A new study has unveiled the crucial role of low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 ... LRP1 is a key regulator of the non-canonical Wnt/planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway, which ...