The time may come when more troubles roil the walrus’s world: Poaching, overhunting, large-scale shipping, and oil exploration top the list. But for the moment at least, the Atlantic walrus can ...
When the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service failed to respond to our petition, we filed suit in December — but in 2011, after the Service declared the walrus indeed deserved federal protection, it ...
At Alfred University, our Honors Program is unique: not only do we offer obscure courses, but we also feature a walrus as both our mascot and our seal. A seal in Latin is sigillum, which is one of the ...
They comprise the extant families Odobenidae (whose only living member is the walrus), Otariidae (the eared seals: sea lions and fur seals), and Phocidae (the earless, or true seals). Seals range ...
Walrus are facing the reality of the climate crisis and we need to know more about how they are affected. WWF and the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) are asking teachers and students to become ‘Walrus ...
The Center for Biological Diversity first submitted a petition to list the Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) as threatened or endangered in 2008, more than a decade ago. Today’s letter was signed by ...
The Walrus and the Whistleblower is a personal tale that plays out against the swell of a paradigm shift in our relationship with animals. At its heart are questions of compassion for others ...