Here’s a USB-A male to USB-C female passive adapter, I used this one a lot after my laptop’s only USB-C port died of mechanical causes, but I still needed to use USB-C devices on the regular.
so you’ll likely need a USB-C hub to add different ports—such as old-school USB-A—to your Mac. In general, an “adapter” works with a single port (such as USB-A or Ethernet) while a ...
For most people, the Spigen ArcStation Ultimate Car Charger stands out as the best overall pick. With two USB-C ports capable ...
You can use any USB-C power adapter, but to avoid damaging your device, stick to Apple or certified third-party ones. Why did Apple mke the the Switch to USB-C? Apple’s switch from Lightning to ...
USB is dead! Long live… USB-C! Yes, having been around in some form or other since the ’90s, the humble Universal Serial Bus has undergone a transformation in the past few years. Even the models on ...