Artist's illustration of a view from the surface of one of the TRAPPIST-1 worlds ... sized planets that might have a chance to support life. At least a few of the worlds are thought to be in ...
New research shows that while TRAPPIST-1b, second from the left, has no atmosphere, TRAPPIST-1e, third from the right, could have a long-term stable atmosphere.
but because TRAPPIST-1 is much cooler than our Sun, scientists say these three planets still may have an environment capable of supporting life. Produced by Zach Wasser. Video courtesy of ESO.
TRAPPIST-1e is a cosmic jackpot in the hunt for extraterrestrial life. This 40-light-year-away rocky planet is the fourth of 7 exoplanets that orbit a cool red dwarf star—and it could be habitable.
That said, these stars do live a long time, possibly allowing advanced life time to evolve on worlds surrounding stars like TRAPPIST-1, which is thought to be at least 500 million years old.
Detecting life beyond our planet has been the biggest ... JWST is soon expected to shift focus on TRAPPIST-1e, which is an Earth-sized planet believed to be habitable. It is also just 39 light ...
Planets like TRAPPIST-1e, Proxima Centauri b, and TOI-700 d lie in their star’s habitable zone, making them prime targets in the search for extraterrestrial life. Scientists found that a thick ...
Some could even harbor life. Among the most fascinating are Kepler-421b with its lengthy orbit, the extremely cold Barnard’s Star b, and potentially habitable TRAPPIST-1e. These discoveries ...