Those of you who follow us on Pindula (our other media brand) already know we sell mobile phones. We've been doing it for the ...
They can be contacted via this Google form and are charging a nominal fee to help. Techzim benefits a referral fee when they help you. They will generally behave the same except in times of ...
They can be contacted via this Google form and are charging a nominal fee to help. Techzim benefits a referral fee when they help you.
They can be contacted via this Google form and are charging a nominal fee to help. Techzim benefits a referral fee when they help you.
They can be contacted via this Google form and are charging a nominal fee to help. Techzim benefits a referral fee when they help you.
They can be contacted via this Google form and are charging a nominal fee to help. Techzim benefits a referral fee when they help you.
They can be contacted via this Google form and are charging a nominal fee to help. Techzim benefits a referral fee when they help you.
But Starlink? I’m sure those who are avid readers of Techzim will forgive me as this satellite internet service has been making waves like nothing else. Sure their launch in Zimbabwe can’t be ...
They can be contacted via this Google form and are charging a nominal fee to help. Techzim benefits a referral fee when they help you.
Zimbabwe has power problems. It’s not unusual for electricity loadshedding to last several hours a day. Sometimes even up to 24 hours at a time. Added to that, given the rapid expansion of ...
Bluetooth has been around for so long that we take it for granted. Those of us who were old enough to see Zimbabwe tumble in the 2000s remember Bluetooth as a file sharing standard. These young ...
See, this past week, with Starlink having finally gone live in Zimbabwe, Econet started fighting back more aggressively than it was with SmartBiz. It sent out a message to some of its customers on ...