This habit started a year ago when Bodhi was ill; now his owner thinks "he likes the attention" and being pampered ...
TikTok user @laurenborders11 was watching television with her German shepherd, Indie. The screen went from one preview to the ...
This describes German Shepherd Ollie and little Pit Bull sister Lola perfectly. Not only does Ollie make it his life's ...
German Shepherd puppies charmingly disrupt a yoga class with playful chaos, proving they are small masters of mischief.
Yesterday afternoon, the Carabinieri of the Ceppaloni Station, with the valuable collaboration of Luna, the German Shepherd ...
German Shepherd and Alsatian are the same breed with different names. Both are equally fierce, loyal and confident.
Argon, a German Shepherd who survived animal abuse and was found in the Malibu wilderness, died after a second battle with cancer, and the person responsible for abandoning him is still sought by ...
Her pet German Shepherd was barking in the courtyard. As Devi came there, the dog shockingly attacked her. The woman lost her ...