Michael Sena examines how manufacturers can navigate the intricacies of strict liability claims, the Federal Hazardous ...
Mens rea is a requirement in criminal law that an accused individual have a particular ... in certain conduct to be found liable in other crimes. On the other hand, strict liability crimes are crimes ...
Can AI or Chat GBT write poetry, perhaps by accident. But an insurance underwriter came up with the phrase: “Taking the ...
Breaches of AML rules are effectively strict liability offences and the SRA does not need to show severity to prove misconduct, the High Court ruled yesterday.
A bill circulating in North Dakota would prevent courts from applying a strict liability standard to qualified utilities in ...
Their rules and regulations have also not been ... on player eligibility disputes often favor the principle of strict liability—meaning clubs are responsible for ensuring a player's eligibility ...
Regulatory uncertainty has long been a defining trait of litigation around PFAS, colloquially known as “forever chemicals.” ...