All in all you’re just another brick in the wall.” Lesson Two: with 1977’s Animals, Pink Floyd taught us to fear the tyranny of Orwellian dystopia: Who was born in a house full of pain.
Pink Floyd changed the face of rock music in the 1970s, unlocking the potential of the album and re-shaping the concept of ...
Rock star Pink Floyd is a tortured soul ... His response is to go in the opposite direction, by building a figurative wall around him to isolate himself from the rest of the world, but not ...
While Pink Floyd may have been considered one of the greatest prog bands to ever live, did they ever manage to reach the top of the charts?
Comprising 60 musicians and singers live on stage, ECLIPSE – the name of the closing track on Pink Floyd’s seminal album The ...
A commemorative wall is set to be unveiled celebrating the huge range of acts that have played at a Kent coastal venue. The Folkestone Rock & Roll Wall of Fame, off The Leas in the town, will ...