Increasing the use of native plants, growing your own food and supporting butterflies are all admirable goals. You can ...
Pawpaw trees suppress plant diversity through dense, shady growth, creating unpredictable ecosystems, but fostering diverse ...
Pawpaw patches reduce plant diversity by blocking light, outcompeting others, and creating randomness in understory ...
Practically speaking, a pawpaw (Asimina triloba) is a large, green-skinned fruit with cream-colored to bright-yellow, soft, pulpy flesh, and 8 to 10 large, hard seeds per fruit. The pulp tastes a ...
To keep pawpaw trees productive and in good health, pruning at the right time and in the right way is essential. Pruning will ...
Thorn in the flesh Identifying the gender of pawpaw has been a challenging task for farmers, making many of them resort to importing seeds from countries that have machines that can identify male ...
They can reproduce clonally, meaning pawpaws can spread through their roots, much like aspen trees. Once one adult pawpaw gets established, it is likely to spread underground and send up lots of ...