In Spider-Man’s corner of the Marvel Universe, Mary Jane Watson has had Peter Parker’s back through his many ups and downs in the comic space while consistently dealing with the consequences ...
And in today's All-New Venom #1 means taking over the running of the new power couple in Marvel Comics that all the Spider-fans love to hate, Mary Jane Watson and Paul Rabin. It has been some time ...
Peter had come to accept Mary Jane’s new relationship, but with Norman Osborn’s sins coursing through his body, he’s got a score to settle with his ex-girlfriend. Marvel released a preview ...
Devastating deaths of Aunt May, Mary Jane, and Spider-Boy shake Amazing Spider-Man #65. Spider-Man faces heartbreak as loved ones perish without fulfilling their dreams. Aunt May succumbs to Essex ...
The magically-annulled marriage meant that not only were Peter and Mary Jane no longer married, the marriage never happened. Then-Marvel Editor-In-Chief Joe Quesada defended the controversial ...