Pixar’s film “Inside Out” has captured many hearts with its charismatic characters representing human emotions: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, and Fear. Each of these characters has traits ...
Inside Out 2 was nominated for Best Animated Feature, and fans would love to see Riley's story continue in Inside Out 3.
Adèle Exarchopoulos plays the role of Ennui in the film. Ennui is one of the new emotions introduced in the film. Ennui means ...
Anxiety, "Inside Out 2" director Kelsey Mann says, switches the "power of imagination ... to this worst-case scenario" ...
An animated character called Joy from Inside Out 2 looks at a glowing purple string It has a lot of possibilities for drama, emotion, and to be funny – and that's the three things we need in any ...
At the end of the day, Holstein realized that in order for “Inside Out 2” to be a success, it had to “feel singular to a Pixar experience.” And that came through the main character ...