Parts of Southern California continue to battle extreme drought as wind advisories remain in place amid Santa Ana winds that could ... issued its weekly updated map revealing the severity of ...
A “life-threatening and destructive” windstorm is forecast to last through at least Thursday, bringing with it severe fire danger and widespread power outages across Southern California.
While the cause of the fire remains under investigation, authorities suspect that extreme Santa Ana winds drove a live power line close enough to energize a nearby, long-idled line. Surveillance video ...
The Santa Ana winds occur when there is high pressure to the east, in the Great Basin, and a low-pressure system off the coast. Air masses move from high pressure to low pressure, and the more extreme ...
State fire safety officials have repeatedly warned Southern California Edison to improve weather ... authorities suspect that extreme Santa Ana winds drove a live power line close enough to ...
California fire safety officials have repeatedly warned Southern California Edison to improve weather ... authorities suspect that extreme Santa Ana winds drove a live power line close enough ...