A current fire bans map shows areas where burning is prohibited due to extreme fire risk: OFS - Burn Ban Map Click here for an interactive map of current fire weather conditions to ...
The wildfire at Table Rock State Park in Pickens County, South Carolina, continues to burn. Officials from several different ...
The N.C. Forest Service has an interactive map showing wildfires across the state, with the size of the area involved and how ...
With much of Western North Carolina under moderate drought or abnormally dry conditions, wildfires are burning in the region.
On Tuesday, the fire closed down Florida's famed 18-Mile Stretch, a section of US-1 linking southern Florida to the Keys, ...
Fire hazard severity map for Cupertino (courtesy of Cal Fire) Morgan Hill lost area considered very high hazard — the acreage dropped to 638 in current maps from 1,506 in 2011 — but has ...
Here are maps illustrating the current situation ... while a controlled fire has been extinguished. The forest service was continuously updating an interactive map to chart the locations and ...
"It will not take much to get a brush or grass fire to flare up and rapidly spread," one meteorologist told Newsweek.