Emergency open ocean tugs for Cook Strait could be one step closer, after calls from local government for the boats.
Large swells have cancelled Cook Strait sailings on both the Interislander and Bluebridge ferries. MetService has issued a ...
Just two days before Winston Peters was announced as a shareholder in a limited liability company responsible for procuring ...
Treasury says there has been an “encouraging ” response from the private sector for alternative Cook Strait ferry procurement options. The deadline for submissions is 6pm toni ...
There's hopes new Cook Strait ferries will be rail-enabled. Minister for Rail Winston Peters is promising more details by the ...
The giant Korean ship builder Hyundai could be back in the running to build two new Cook Strait ferries, following a meeting between the company and Rail Minister Winston Peters in Seoul on Friday.
Transpower has detailed the thousands of dollars worth of fines dished out for fishing near the Cook Strait power cables. Three power cables run for 40 kilometres across Cook Strait between ...
Newcastle long-distance ocean swimmer Craig Clarke has given his all in a double crossing attempt of NZ's Cook Strait to mark his 60th birthday. After swimming from the North to the South Island ...
Minister for Rail Winston Peters has appointed BusinessNZ chief executive Katherine Rich and mariner Captain Iain MacLeod as ...
Some Cook Strait ferry sailings have been cancelled with large swells forecast. Interislander has cancelled one return ...