Since it contains a high water content and vital nutrients, it becomes an easy target for microbial growth. Synthetic ...
CHICAGO, Feb. 23. -- According to G.A. Swift, head of the firm of Swift Co., packers, borax is used by the big packing firms of this city in the preparation of meat. He said to-day: View Full Arti ...
Cured-meat company Olli Salumeria’s rebranded logo and packaging is raising awareness of preservatives as the brand taps into two mega trends — protein and easy-to-eat foods. To understand how ...
SEOUL: Sodium nitrite, commonly found in sausages and other processed meats as a preservative ... to address increasing instances in which this food additive was used for self-harm.
A food preservative used to prolong the shelf life of Pop-Tarts, Rice Krispies Treats, Cheez-Its and almost 1,250 other popular processed foods may harm the immune system, a new study suggests.