Three-quarters of Australia's freshwater fish species are found nowhere else on the planet. This makes us the sole custodians of remarkable creatures such as the ornate rainbowfish, the ancient ...
Eighteen-year-old Koby Duncan was fishing on a Jazz Charters boat for his buddy’s birthday celebration. According to Sport ...
Australia’s orange roughy fishery is set to be certified to the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) Fisheries Standard ...
The rare fish was last spotted in Victoria, Australia in 1929 North Central CMA A fish previously declared extinct has been released back into the wild in Australia. The olive perchlet ...
Scientists have tracked marine life along the length of eastern Australia thanks to the expansion of a network of underwater listening stations (acoustic receivers) in Queensland waters.
A fish declared extinct in one state in the 1980s has been resurrected, with hundreds reintroduced to the wild in a major ...
QUITE recently a remarkable discovery of a fossil jelly-fish has been made in the fine-grained blue mud-stone of the lower part of the Silurian at Brunswick, Victoria. It was in the same locality ...