The skies will be partly cloudy. The low will be 76°. Poor air quality (101-150) Primary pollutant O₃ 154 μg/m³ Pressure is the weight of the air in the atmosphere. It is normalized to the ...
Residents in and around Ambalangoda are plagued by the monkey menace. Monkeys have destroyed garden cultivation in several wards in our town. Most residents like to grow fruit trees such as rambutan, ...
Saman Mendis when he was a student A Sri Lanka Transport Board (SLTB) owned bus transporting a large number of passengers, the majority of whom were schoolchildren and teachers from Ambalangoda to ...
Along the coast in the Galle and Ambalangoda areas more than 100 wrecks of ships are reported have been found already. According to divers it is a new world which is the happy breeding grounds for ...