Cannabis, Working Memory

One of the largest studies to date found more frequent use of marijuana over time reduces the ability to remember key ...
A massive new study sheds light on how cannabis affects the brain, particularly during cognitive tasks. Researchers analyzed ...
Gum disease, or periodontitis, has been linked to poorer cognitive function. Researchers believe this connection may be due ...
Marijuana and your memory, Doomsday Clock is ticking, flavor of the year: Catch up on the day’s stories Editor’s Note: CNN’s ...
A new study has revealed how both recent and lifetime cannabis use can affect cognitive function and working memory.
People who frequently use cannabis have reduced brain activity when completing tasks that require them to use their working ...
Heavy weed use appears to dull the brains of young adults, particularly affecting their short-term working memory, a new study suggests. MRI scans showed less brain activation in heavy tokers ...
Discover the long-lasting effects of heavy cannabis use on brain function. Find out how marijuana can impact memory even ...